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February 2022

mycuppa February 2022 Newsletter

 Tough times never last, but tough people do." - Robert H. Schuller

mycuppa February 2022 Newsletter

Well, it's certainly been a crazy start to the year – my guess is it's at least ten times more difficult than in the previous two years during this pandemic and with no specific lockdowns to contend with. We are left confused and frustrated, wondering why everything is so difficult.

Right now, it's a lot worse than any of the prior lockdowns.

They call it a shadow lockdown, and instead of affecting consumers, it's strangling suppliers, tying them in knots, both operationally and financially.


Logistics, whether local, domestic or global, continues to be a complete nightmare and worsens daily.


There's no staff/labour, trucks or vans, and it reached peak insanity last month during the Omicron surge.

How did our economy become so crippled, and why are we all feeling this extreme pain now? 

Most commentators attribute the decline in immigration to border closures for almost two years. However, the compounding disruptions have had a cumulative effect, causing a ripple that has turned into a tsunami.

Shipping containers with 22 tons of raw coffee arriving from overseas sit in the hot, humid sun, baking and stewing whilst waiting 25+ days for an AQIS inspector to approve clearance – all the while precious raw coffee rapidly loses vital quality.

Since November, our principal broker has suffered at least one container a month ruined with severe heat damage from trans-shipment ports.

That's 60 tons of good stuff gone wrong.

It would not be exaggerating to declare the current challenges in the global coffee industry being the toughest in the last 50 years.

It's a big call, but hell yeah, it's hard.

After longing for 15 years to take a decent break, I can't stop dreaming about having the rest of this year off to skip this ridiculous pain from surging out-of-control price rises, no stock and impossible logistics.

Over the last few weeks, many customers have asked us, "Why is Sendle unavailable?".

That's a good question and fair enough, given that 66% of our customers pick Sendle at the checkout.

The short answer is that with so many drivers "off the road isolating with Omicron," the service was failing badly, or I should say "falling apart".

To put this into perspective, Sendle is a federation of small, independent operators, so when drivers are "away", they are not replaced by someone else – it's not the same with Australia Post and their larger workforce.

During January, AusPost faced driver shortages that caused parcel collection issues from retailers.

December is well known as the worst time of year for parcel incidents, and true to form, we experienced pain on another level from Sendle deliveries going pear-shaped – parcels taking six weeks to arrive or completely disappearing into thin air.

Whilst Australia did not have the January bushfires, we burnt ourselves all month trying to fix delivery issues.

Sendle lost their mojo in December and January, which could have been better considering their excellent performance throughout the earlier parts of 2021.

In many cases, Sendle deliveries were more than twice as fast as AusPost, but currently, it's impossible to predict the performance of any of the shippers.

Over the last five weeks, Sendle collections from our facility were not occurring as planned each day - leaving parcels stranded. The only sensible response in those circumstances is to protect our customers by "toggling" Sendle on and off based on our assessment of "safety and success".

We are trying our best to look after our customers and ensure deliveries succeed – the care goes beyond running fast to pick up, pack and send your order promptly.

When something goes wrong, every incident costs us a lot of time and $$ along with the potential for reputational damage, so it's always best to avoid or prevent issues, and if you see Sendle disappear, now you will know why. 

It's available at the moment, but that may change anytime.

The good news is that Secret Label is back, baby, and wow, it's a cracker.

We have picked many of our favourite origins and paired them for a special treat.

Fruit-driven sweetness wrapped in a rich dark chocolate coating.

This complex coffee has enchanting notes that keep you returning for more like Violet Crumble meets chocolate bar.

February Secret Label 


Well, it's all that and more. It is a coffee with fantastic flavour and that irresistible dark chocolate finish.

Secret Label is back and romping out of the gates for its first outing of the year.

It is a luxurious experience, rich and complex with deep complexity and that trademark mycuppa clean, syrupy finish.

Salted caramel, toffee, honeycomb, tropical fruit sweetness and yep, let's repeat it......dark chocolate coating.

This coffee will fly out the door - it may not last the month. With coffee prices at an all-time high, it's a steal.

For a limited time only - don't miss out.