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Why use pictures of coffee bags

Why Show The Green Coffee Bean Bags

Why Show The Green Coffee Bean Bags?

Some people like to advertise one type of coffee and supply the customer with something completely different. 

We think that's not fair.

There are hundreds of coffees available, and with numerous combinations, it can be easy to list an item using a premium or well-respected bean description and yet deliver a different bean to the customer.

We have even heard stories of suppliers not having stock of particular coffees yet continuing to sell the "named" coffee to a customer.

mycuppa lists only the single-origin coffee beans available for customers to purchase.

For this reason, we generally use the green bean bag picture as a graphic in listing the item, but in the recent years we are doing this less and less.

Of course, looking at green bean bags can be boring, so to break it up, we use other photos or graphics.

We have to share a hilarious episode.

A new customer purchased 1kg of Colombian coffee from our mycuppa store.

Nothing unusual about that, so we shipped off the freshly roasted coffee beans to the customer.

Then about 4 days later the customer sends us a rather nasty, upset email.

"Where is my coffee bag ?"

Initially, we thought she was talking about the parcel, as in where is my order ?.

Before replying to the customer query, we checked the shipping system to understand the current status of her delivery.

The consignment was marked as "delivered". Looking closely at the date and time we determined it was prior to the customer sending us the "where is my" message.

So, we promptly respond to confirm that the parcel was marked as "delivered" already, including a link to the tracking status and parcel transit journey so that the customer could see for themselves.

Then we receive a terse reply "No, I'm talking about my hessian coffee bag", I bought a hessian coffee bag from you.

My first reaction was shock. How could this customer think we are selling hessian coffee bags by describing the product with flavor and taste notes, etc. It even states the product is medium roasted.

Regardless, this customer has imagined she was buying roasted coffee that also came with a hessian bag!.

So these days we are less likely to display hessian bags in our product pages - for the avoidance of doubt.