November 2012 - Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador and Brazil

Date Posted:1 November 2012 

In the last few weeks, we have selected some truly amazing coffees.

Some of these are small microlots that will be roasted as feature coffees for our cafes and may be available via the mycuppa Roaster's Choice.

Cuba Altura Navado Selecto.

We often get requests for Cuban coffee but it's quite difficult to source.

This one is a super-premium bean that is an excellent example of the quality coffee produced in Cuba.

Intense richness with that undeniable tobacco/cigar note.

This bean needs plenty of heat (roasting) to bring out the complexity.

Mexico Pluma Organic.

Similar in cup profile to the Peru, it delivers a smooth body in milk with the lingering chocolate, honey sweetness.

As the cup cools we pickup some delightful malt notes.

This is an interesting and complex cup with hints of spice.


Colombia Excelso SELECTO RESERVA MUNCHIQUE from the Popayan Department (district).

This is a classic Colombian with a perfect mid-palate ballast of flavor ending with notes of cherry ripe.

At first, I was not entirely taken with this coffee but having pulled shots on it for the last 8 days, it just keeps getting better.

A supremely well-balanced coffee that cuts through milk perfectly.

El Salvador Bella Vista.

Continuing our journey with the recent El Salvador Microlots, this coffee was a finalist in the 2007 Cup of Excellence program - ranking #7. Rafael Salguero Chacon from La Palma in the Chalatenango region has prepared a superb coffee of 60% Bourbon and 40% Pacas grown under the shad of Inga, Cuje, Aceitune, Pines and Cypress trees.

A creamy mouthfeel, bright acidity, honey, milk chocolate and tropical fruit mango with hints of cherry, white grape and sweet herbal onion with an orange spice finish.

Yes, there is a lot going on there.

At the moment, we are evaluating new season Brazils that have arrived into the country.

A bakeoff between our trusty Brazil Ipanema Dulce with the #1 contender Brazil Daterra Sunrise, the Ipanema Yellow Bourbon and the Ipanema Gourmet.